Author Interview
What were your favourite books as a child, and have they influenced the way you write today?
I actually didn’t start to read until I was an adult. I knew HOW to read, haha, but my days were spent outdoors. It didn’t matter what the weather was, I preferred to be outside. However, I loved creative writing. I loved being a story teller. During my senior year I read To Kill a Mockingbird and fell in love with that narrative style and it's the style that I prefer to write in now.
What is a typical writing day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you follow a regular routine?
I write when the kids go to bed. I’m never in bed before 2am but I go to another part of the house and get inside my head.
Do you set a daily writing goal?
No. At first I thought I needed to but I was just putting too much pressure on myself.
What motivates you to write?
Weather, emotion, music…that said, I need absolute silence when I write.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Time. I wish I was able to write all day, every day.
Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I wouldn’t call it writers block…more like starting the same chapter ten different ways over and over again. Makes. Me. Crazy.
How did you come up with your book title(s) and series names?
“Inky” was born from the idea that she would have this huge tattoo. I had been tossing the name Anika around for a while and it just worked out. The Leaves represent the tattoo of Inky, the heroine from the first book in my series. The characters in the books that follow all have a connection to her.
Do you have favourite character from your own book(s) and why?
Oh, that’s very difficult. At the moment, I would have to say Lark, from NICO. I like the way she handles herself. But a close second would have to be Aimes from INKY and COLE. She’s a culmination of all the best qualities of all my good girlfriends.
Can you describe your writing style in 25 words or less?
Why don’t you sit a spell and I’ll tell you a story.
If you were to write an autobiography, what would its title be?
Crazy Pants.
What are your current favourite books and authors?
My favorite read of 2013 (that wasn’t written by Kristen Ashley) was On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves. I found myself thinking of that story over and over again. Anything that Kristen Ashley writes, I will read.
Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
I can sing about anything in an operatic style.
Quick Questions:
E-book or print?
Ebook instant gratification.
Favourite colour?
Favourite season?
Summer and Autumn
Favourite holiday?
Coke or Pepsi?
Diet either
Tea or coffee?
Dogs or cats?
Allergic to both
Vamper, oh yeah.
Author Information
Book Links
Nico (Expected publication: February 7, 2014):
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