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MOO-VELLOUS AUTHORS: Christine Zolendz

For my first interview I have the amazing Christine Zolendz, author of the Mad World Series (consisting of Fall From Grace, Saving Grace and Scars and Songs) and the recently released Brutally Beautiful.

Author Interview

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I'm a wife and mom of two little girls. I live in New York City, and my favorite thing to do is read! And if the apocalypse ever comes, I'll be ready for it.

What were your favourite books as a child, and have they influenced the way you write today?

I was obsessed with Judy Blume and the Nancy Drew Mysteries. I'm not sure they influenced how I write today, but definitely the why. I loved to pick up a book and travel someplace far away out of reality for a while, and I think that's why I write, my imagination is sometimes too strong to ignore and reality gets away from me, so I have to write it all down.

What is a typical writing day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you follow a regular routine?

I have a three year old and a seven year old, so I write around their schedules. One goes to school full time and the other only three days a week. So when they are both in school I climb up to my attic office and write. I follow no routines, I just kind of let lose on my keyboard with a cup of coffee and some music.

Do you set a daily writing goal?

No, I should, but it's all up to what's going on in my house that day, so I never set goals for myself I might not reach.

What motivates you to write?

The voices. Ha. I know that sounds crazy, but other authors will tell you it's true too. My characters nag me. Scenes flutter across my vision and I NEED to write them down.

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Finding the time. If I didn't have so many other responsibilities, I'd be writing all the time.

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? If so, how did you overcome it?

Sometimes I suffer from not knowing how to exactly say something. When that happens I ask people about it, or I just skip the scene and come back to it at a later date.

How did you come up with your book title(s) and series names?

My Mad World Series was named after the song called Mad World, from the Donny Darko soundtrack. It was a song that I listened to when I wrote the first chapter in Fall From Grace. The third book in that series was named by one of my readers. Brutally beautiful was named for something a character says.

Do you have favourite character from your own book(s) and why?

Right now it's Kade from Brutally Beautiful, because it was extremely intense for me to write his experiences.  He was so broken and mean, he had no filter or social skills and I think I related to him a lot. I also did a lot of research into true events that surround something that happens to him, and I just couldn't help falling in love with him.

Can you describe your writing style in 25 words or less?

Raw and passionate. When my characters cry, it's because I was crying when I wrote it.

If you were to write an autobiography, what would it’s title be?

That's the best question I've ever been asked. Hmmm...Maybe...Don't Mind Me, I Might Be Nuts. Or Diary of a Madwoman.

What are your current favourite books and authors?

Stephen King, Douglas Adams, and any Independent writer who has the courage to take the leap to publish.  And don't laugh at me, but I really loved Twilight. Like, really loved it. A lot.

Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?

I can draw, really well, but that's not unique. I can play the drums, though I haven't played in a while.

Quick Questions:

E-book or print?


Favourite colour?


Favourite season?


Favourite holiday?


Coke or Pepsi?


Tea or coffee?


Dogs or cats?




Author Information

Book Links

Fall From Grace:

Saving Grace:

Scars and Songs:

Brutally Beautiful:


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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