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The Reading Cow

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Today's moo-vellous author is Gretchen de la O, author of the Wilson Mooney series, consisting of Almost Eighteen, Eighteen at Last and Beyond Eighteen. She also has a short story in Pink Shades of Words, and proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated towards the Fifty Shades of Pink Avon Breast Cancer Team.

Author Interview

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Yes, my real name is Gretchen de la O, (every letter in my last name is small, but my BIG O). I am a mom of 3 boys. My family is vegetarian, okay, well we eat dairy, fish, and eggs. So we are conditional vegetarians. I cry when people sing Happy Birthday to me. I am extremely spiritual, loyal, honest, and I have a pretty good record at keeping secrets. I’ve been with the same guy for over 25 years (Yeah, I was the tender age of 18 and he was 23 when we met and started dating). I grew up wanting to be an actress, even went to school for it. Once my boys got older I found my purpose and passion in life, writing. I love to write stories that take you out of your everyday and give you a reprieve from your worries. I believe what you put out into the world comes right back, so I am a positive thinker, supporter of others in my industry, and I love to see people succeed at what they put their minds to. I have been blogging about positive thinking for over 3 years, I don’t call my readers fans...they are people who love my words. I hope I am able to write and have people fall in love with my books for the rest of my life.

What were your favourite books as a child, and have they influenced the way you write today?

I love The Lorax, I understood the pain and anger. I was super pissed that the Oncler was laying his burdens at the feet of the little boy who paid to listen to his story. I always was disheartened by the self-centered mentality of the Oncler. Once he looked up from his pilferage and damaging ways did he finally see a need to protect and nurture the last truffula seed. It is relevant today and how we have become a world of Onclers. Does it influence in writing? I believe so, because literature when consumed, and embodied can’t help but shape who we become, even if it’s only a Dr. Suess book.

What is a typical writing day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you follow a regular routine? 

Depends on the time of year, or if there are deadlines imposed. Ideally, I would love to wake up, give myself an hour to answer questions, field social media, and promote my work. Then at 9 am settle into writing for 3 hours. Break for lunch and then head back into my writing cave for another couple hours before having to break to pick up the kids from school and be mom for the rest of the day. But in reality....I write after I get home from work, while the boys are preoccupied, when they are starving, when my husband comes home from work, when I should be sleeping. Basically, I write when I can and even when I’m not supposed to be. It is crazy, unorganized, discombobulated and even a clusterf*ck when deadlines are looming. I’m surprised my family hasn’t disowned me yet. I will get better at this, I just know it! LOL

Do you set a daily writing goal?

No, but I know I should!

What motivates you to write?

Music, feelings, events, and images that pop up in my head motivate me to write.

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Scheduling and managing my time to write. I need to learn how to manage my time better.

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? If so, how did you overcome it?

I’ve had little bouts of writer’s block. The way I overcome writer’s block is to force myself to write.

How did you come up with your book title(s) and/or series names?

Book titles just come to me...and when they don’t, I will brainstorm with my beta readers. The Wilson Mooney Series was named after the main character. The titles, Almost Eighteen, and Eighteen at Last were just the logical basic choice based on the main character’s age. Beyond Eighteen, my beta came up with that title.

Do you have favourite character from your own book(s) and why?

If I was being fair I would say they all are special to me, that each one is my favourite, but life isn’t fair, is it? One character that resinates in my soul is Nancy, Max’s mom. I just love her so much. I love that Nancy is so grounded and represents such love. Of course Max is one of my favourite because he gets the readers to fall in love with the story and stay invested. I love Wilson, even when she seems so immature and makes stupid decisions. Calvin, gosh, I do love him...even though in my head and his back story is all about being messed up from here to Mars and back. Joanie, well, who doesn’t love her. She is the logical one, the person who represents Wilson’s family. She is a great best friend. And Nick, oooh Nick, I do love him, even through some of the bad choices he makes. Cindy, well, yeah, even when I don’t like what she does, I can’t help but be protective of who she is and why she’s like that. Shoot, basically I love all the characters in the Wilson Mooney Series.

Can you describe your writing style in 25 words or less?

I listen to my characters and let them tell the story. I am not a planner. I fly from the seat of my pants...literally.

If you were to write an autobiography, what would it’s title be?

Yes, I End With a Big O.

What are your current favourite books and authors?

I have so many books I love and authors who are so special to me gosh, to name them all will take up pages. So I’ll just tell you my favourite book, This Thing Called You, by Earnest Holmes.

Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?

I seem to have the ability or unique talent to get people to open up to me. I am easy to talk to, and am extremely loyal, if you count that as a talent at all, LOL. I used to love scrapbooking, but since focusing on my career writing, my hobbies have taken a back seat to the passion of writing. Geesh, it looks like I need to get some hobbies!

Quick Questions:

E-book or print?


Favourite colour?


Favourite season?


Favourite holiday?


Coke or Pepsi?


Tea or coffee?


Dogs or cats?




Author Information

Book Links

Almost Eighteen (Wilson Mooney #1):

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo * Goodreads

Eighteen at Last (Wilson Mooney #2):

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo * Goodreads

Beyond Eighteen (Wilson Mooney #3):

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo * Goodreads


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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