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REVIEW: Tease (Tease #1) by Missy Johnson



*****This book is erotica. That means lots and lots of sex with a good amount of kink*****

Male escort.

That got your attention.

Some of the most powerful and well known women in the country pay to have sex with me, some of them married. Some are into more than just straight sex, which is why they call me. Bondage, power play, submission…nothing is off the table. I will do anything for the right price.

The stories I could tell you about a certain high profile congresswoman, or that innocent blonde actress. Trust me, she’s not so innocent.

Guys would kill for my job. I’m living the fucking dream. Meaningless sex, no relationship hang-ups and I’m rolling in the dough. Life is perfect, just the way it is.

Until I meet her.

She changes everything.

She makes me want more than I’ve ever wanted for myself and she believes in me. But she also thinks I sell insurance. I can’t stop what I do, but I can’t give her up.

Eventually, my two worlds are going to collide and when they do, shit will hit the fan.

My Thougths

Liam Cooper, better known as Coop, is a male escort. He has a small clientele of high profile women. He loves his life, and he loves his job. Who wouldn't? He gets paid to have sex with some beautiful and famous women. He gets paid a lot. And it pays for his mother's medical expenses. Tease is told from Liam's POV.

Tease was a breath of fresh air. I was in a bit of a book slump, not sure what to read next, or what I even felt like reading. And I settled for this. I loved how it was told from Coop's POV. It was refreshing reading something from a male's perspective for a change. 

I loved all the characters in this book. Coop was adorable, and he was believable. I loved the diverse range of his clients and how seamlessly he could adapt to what they desired. Yes, I know it's job ;) I loved the relationship he had with his sister Nic, and how they lovingly threw insulting pet names at each other. And I loved Mrs Cooper. I have a family member that has Alzheimer's, so I could relate to how Coop wanted the best for his mother. 

I loved the story. It kept me intrigued and continually wanting more. It was humorous with a side of serious, and at times I was in tears. The sex scenes were HOT! I mean really HOT!

If you want something hot, sexy and at times emotional, from a guy's POV, then give Tease by Missy Johnson a read!

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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