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The Reading Cow

Read 'til the cows come home...

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REVIEW: The Ice Seduction by S.K. Quinn

The Nanny. The master of the house. A forbidden love…

When Seraphina Harper accepts a nanny position at Mansfield Castle, she’s intrigued to learn that her new boss is Lord Patrick Mansfield – a young, wealthy ex-army officer who is as tough as he is handsome.

Strong and disciplined, Patr…

REVIEW: Cree (My Way #1) by H.J. Bellus

SynopsisWhose parents abandon them in a trashy trailer when they are five years old? Oh Yeah! Mine do!

Hey Hoochies! I'm Milly, and I am tired of taking kicks to the gut. A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of …

REVIEW: Bound and Unbroken (Out of Bounds #1) by Skye Callahan

Synopsis Lena is about to discover pleasure in the things she can’t control.

To get even with her roommate for dragging her to a sports bar on a Friday night, Lena begins flirting with the handsome stranger who sits at the bar next to her. Their anonymous conversation leads to a shared cab ride…

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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge
Kylie Lacovich has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.