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REVIEW: Fighting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #1) by Amelia Hutchins


Have you ever heard of the old Celtic legends of the Fae - beautiful, magical, deadly and a love of messing with humans just for kicks and giggles? 

Welcome to my world. 

What started out as a strange assignment, leads to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times and my friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witches alike. 

Couple of problems in the way – I hate the Fae and the Prince of the Dark Fae is bound and determined that I work for him. He’s a rude, overbearing egotistical ass with a compulsive need to possess, dominate and control me. Oh – did I mention that he is absolutely sex-on-a-stick gorgeous and he makes me feel things that I never ever wanted to feel for a Fae…every time he touches me or looks at me with those golden eyes seems to pull me further in under his spell, despite my better judgment. 

My friends and I can’t trust anyone and nothing is as it seems on the surface – not even me.

Warning: Mature content and language not intended for anyone under the age of eighteen.

This book is not intended for anyone under the age of 18, or anyone who doesn't like lip biting, throw your ass on the bed, tear your clothes off and leave you panting dominant alpha male characters. This is a dark, dangerous, intense, gritty and raw. Scenes are dark, disturbing, and scorching HOT. This book is a soul crushing, tear jerking, and leave you hanging on the edge of your seat fast paced book.
Side Effects may include, but are not limited to: Drooling, lip biting, wet panties, crying, and screaming at the author. If any of these things happen, do not seek medical attention—get the next book in the series and enjoy the ride! 

My Thoughts

I have had this book in my ebook collection for what feels like forever. After having it recommended to me yet again, I decided to give it a go, and I'm glad that I did!

Reading a paranormal book was a welcomed change, as I have been sticking with the contemporary romances for a while, as well as SLOWLY reading my way through the Outlander series.

I thoroughly enjoyed Fighting Destiny, although I found the first 25% a little slow. It just didn't grab me right from the start. I was enjoying it, but at the same time, I could have easily put it down and not returned to it. I am so glad that I stuck with it though.

After I got through the first bit and the story line and action really kicked in, I couldn't put it down! I was eager to see what was in store for the characters and I couldn't wait to find out their secrets.

Synthia was a fantastic heroine. Having watched her parents be brutally murdered as a child, she was strong and tough, but also caring and compassionate. She wasn't one to easily comply with rules and regulations, preferring to do things her own way. This often landed her in trouble, or injured.

Ryder was an all out alpha male. The leader of the Dark Fae, he was instantly drawn to Syn but couldn't quite understand why. After all, he could have his pick of women, but he could not get Synthia out of his mind. Ryder knew that there had to be something more to Syn, and it didn't take him long to notice that she was more than just a witch.

Fighting Destiny ended up being a fantastic read. It kept me entertained and kept me guessing as to what would happen next. It incorporated supernatural characters from multiple races - witches, fae, fairies, vampires, warlocks etc. There was action. There was sex - super scorching hot sex. And a plot twist that leaves you wanting more!

I can't wait to continue the adventure in book two of the Fae Chronicles, Taunting Destiny.

My Rating


  1. I love Paranormal Romances this sounds like a really good reads :) may just have to put it on my list

    1. You so should! It's definitely worth the read! As I said in my review, I found it a little slow in the beginning. Doesn't mean that you would find it slow though. There are four books out in the series so far...


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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