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COVER REVEAL: Karma by A.E. Woodward


At thirty-two Tommy Garvin never thought he’d be playing house. Especially not with his best friend. But when life throws lemons at you, it hurts. Then once the pain subsides you adjust and figure out how to make lemonade. It was apparent to everyone that Parker and Khloe needed Tommy, but in a strange way he needed them just as much.

None of them could have imagined what a life without Katie would be like and they certainly couldn’t have predicted what would come from the gaping hole she left behind. No one knew what would rise from the ashes, but one thing is for certain-life sure has a way of knowing what’s needed. It’s karma.

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Author Information

A.E. lives in Vacationland with her husband and two children. Between her real job and writing she finds little time to enjoy life's finer things. However in the free time she does manage to steal, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, and reading. A.E. is the author of Kismet and A Series of Imperfections: Imperfectly Perfect, Imperfectly Real, and Imperfectly Bad. She is currently writing her fifth book, Working Girl.

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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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