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REVIEW: Entwine (Entwine #1) by Rebecca Berto


Sarah Langham’s life was the epitome of normal until her dad slept with another woman when she was sixteen. It ripped her family apart.

Twenty-two-year-old Sarah has it together, though.

Waiting at the train station to go home from her first day of her first proper job out of university, she spots a man.

He is an enigma to her. She’s drawn to him, with his square jaw; buzz of hair; and his tall, solid frame, seen under the contours of his business suit. And he’s been looking at her, too. Fate pulls them together that night on a whirlwind date, exceeding anything Sarah’s experienced before. He’s even more into her than she’s into him. Finally, she wants to trust a guy for the first time since she was sixteen.

But then they discover something.

Something that meant they were never two strangers at a train station.

And it threatens to tear their future apart before it, really, ever begins.

* * *

This book is published in Australian English and includes relative diction.

My Thougths

In Entwine we meet Sarah. A 22 year old starting her first "real" job as a junior editor. At the train station after work, she spots a handsome stranger - Malik. They end up spending an amazing night together. Later, they discover that their pasts are actually entwined.

Sarah was a lovable character. She knew what she wanted out of life, and was an honest and hard worker. She still lives with her mother, and occasionally sees her father. Sarah was very easy to connect with. I felt like I really knew her while I was reading the story.

Malik was just fantastic! He had the whole alpha male persona going on at the start. He was so sure of himself and you could feel the confidence radiating off him. But, as the story progresses, we learn that he is in no way perfect. 

I enjoyed reading Entwined. The story had a great twist, which I actually thought was going to be something different than what it was. The characters were all likable and believable. Rebecca's writing style is amazing. She is able to capture your attention and hold it for the journey of her stories. 

I can't wait to read the next installment in the Entwine series.

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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