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REVIEW: Used (Getting Inside of V #1) by Kate Lynne


The name's V. I'm beautiful in every sense of the word physically. But on the inside, I'm a black pit. 

If you're expecting a happily ever after, a white picket fence and 2.5 kids; then this isn't the story for you.

There aren't any happily ever afters in the works for me or those whose lives I poison.

I hold the key to my pleasure and I'll be damned if I ever give it up again.

God forsake those that stand in my way of ultimate gratification.

You may regret me, but you'll never forget me.

Use or Be Used, there are no other options.

** Warning ** 18 years and up for adult situations, language, sexual content, and violence. * This story contains dirty words, dirty sex and an even dirtier twist. **

My Thoughts

In the Used novella we meet V. She's a very beautiful woman, and knows how to use her looks to her advantage. She uses the people in her life and then moves on - to new people and a new town. V knows she's here for a good time, not a long time.

There's not a lot I can say about this novella without giving too much away, but I will say this: It was AWESOME! It was one of the hottest, steamiest and dirtiest stories I've ever read. And I loved every second of it! I didn't expect the twist, and sat there with my mouth hanging open thinking "WTF? Oh, WOW!"

I can't wait to read the next installment and continue V's journey!

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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