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REVIEW: Precise (Pulling Me Under 0.5) by Rebecca Berto


Katie is a wife, a caring best friend, and the one person her mother, Rochelle, hates more than anyone. No one sees the darkness lurking just under the surface of their mother-daughter relationship, instead viewing Rochelle as misunderstood. That she has so much love for her daughter that she may seem harsh. 

Wrong. So wrong.

Katie grew up taught that she was the cause of Rochelle’s miscarriages. She grew up with the belief she shouldn’t be happy knowing she’d caused her mom so much pain and suffering. Now Katie is pregnant and Rochelle is out to stop Katie from ruining her baby’s life—just like Katie ruined her own.

Still, Katie can’t imagine killing the life growing inside her. Hell hath no fury like Rochelle with a vengeance to make Katie pay for ruining her life.

In Rochelle’s quest for power, Katie’s baby is the pawn.

My Thoughts

I have just finished reading Precise, and I honestly can't figure out exactly how I feel about it. I didn't hate it, but I didn't fall in love with it either. With that said, I should also point out that this book was out of the norm from what I would usually read. The subject matter was very heavy - emotional/mental abuse, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I can't pinpoint my exact feelings towards it.

Rochelle was an EVIL mother, and I couldn't believe how she treated her own daughter and the things that she said to her! I was just glad that Katie had the sense not to believe her mother and that she knew what her mother said to her her whole life wasn't true, or her fault. 

I felt for Katie, and I was glad that she found the strength to stand up to her mother and regain control of her own happiness, but I can't say that I connected with her. I felt like more of an outsider looking in while I was reading Precise.

The writing was great. It was believable and very descriptive, but without having that connection with the characters, I felt like I was missing something.

I can't wait to read Pulling Me Under to learn more about Katie and her life.

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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