SERIES: Book 1 of The Legacy Trilogy
AUTHOR: Melissa Delport
PRINT ISBN: 978-0-620-59636-7
eISBN: 978-0-620-59637-4
PAGES: 366 pages
WORD COUNT: 99 160
GENRE: Speculative Fiction
MARKET: Adults (with crossover to the 16+ reader)
PUBLISHER: Tracey McDonald Publishers
Purchase Links
Amazon * Amazon UK * Barnes & Noble * Kobo
My Thoughts
For someone that is primarily a romance/erotica reader, of late I have been reading more books that are 'outside of the box' for me. I have discovered the genres of Urban Fantasy and Dystopian, and I must say that I have quite enjoyed the books in these genres that I have read.The Legacy by Melissa Delport is another of these 'out of the norm' books for me. When I was contacted about being a part of the blog tour, I was more than happy to take part. I'm willing to support any author and help get the word out about their work. I didn't think I would get time to review it, as I have had a hard time with my son lately and the flu has been passed around between the members of my family. When I received the arc, I thought "I'm just gonna read the prologue and see if it grabs me".
Well, the prologue was all that I needed to read to be totally hooked on this book! That last sentence in the prologue totally sucked me in and I knew that I was going to love The Legacy!
The Legacy is set in post - apocalyptic America. World War 3 is over and as it was a nuclear war, the United States has been reduced to only 10 states. All other states are now classed as barren, or wasteland. One man has risen to power and appointed himself the leader of the New United States of America (NUSA). His laws are confining and controlling. Outside of the 10 states, the land is not so barren. There are people who are willing to fight to restore the country to what it once was. Willing to fight for democracy and free will. These people are the members of the resistance.
The Legacy has an extremely strong and loveable heroine. Rebecca Davis is not what you expect her to be. Throughout the book she is constantly surprising you - with her strength, her courage, her compassion and her ability to stand up and fight for what she believes in. She is an outstanding character and one that I easily connected with, feeling all of her emotions throughout the story right along with her.
Melissa Delport's writing is AMAZING. With her words, she has created a post - apocalyptic world that is believable, with a story line that is entertaining and action packed. Her characters are extremely likable and lovable. There's even ones you love to hate.
I received an ARC as part of the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.
My Rating
Author Interview
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I was born and bred in Durban, South Africa, and I currently reside in Hillcrest with my husband and three children. I love shoes, books and anything produced by the CW television network. I don’t like sushi, negativity or Miley Cyrus. And I consider myself truly blessed to be able to write professionally.
What were your favourite books as a child, and have they influenced the way you write today?
Enid Blyton’s The Magic Faraway Tree & Roald Dahl’s The Enormous Crocodile. I don’t write children’s books, so they don’t influence my writing, but I do still read them – to my children.
What is a typical writing day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you follow a regular routine?
On a good day I can write for up to 6/7 hours. I usually write on my bed or the couch. My physiotherapist would be horrified – she insists I sit bolt upright at a desk, in the ergonomically correct position. That’s never going to happen. Although I do have grand ideas for a “writer’s cave”. I am most productive in the mornings, when the children are at school, but I do sneak in a few hours at night when the house is quiet.
Do you set a daily writing goal?
No, if I am having an off day I will edit, polish, re-read or plot-map. I allocate my mornings to working on my books, in one way or another. I think daily targets are far too rigid and stifle your creativity. Writing is something I love to do so I don’t need much incentive, but I prefer to set myself a six month time frame to compete any full-length novel project.
What motivates you to write?
That is an incredibly difficult question to answer, but is by far the most common. My stories inspire me and now, even more so, the readers who have given me so much support. I write for them, and for me, because writing is my passion.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
The neck and back pain! It’s my own fault, I should get that writer’s cave up and running, rather than working on a laptop, but I find it more convenient.
Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I don’t really believe in writer’s block. Like anything, sometimes you are simply not in the mood to write. As an author you can write at any time, it is simply that at certain times you may not produce work that is up to your own standard, and the disappointment that follows could be called “writer’s block”. I have a tried and tested cure: if you don’t feel like writing that day – don’t.
How did you come up with your book title(s) and/or series names?
I don’t over-think it – the titles come to me around the same time that the storyline does. I like to connect with the world I am creating and the title allows me to do that.
Do you have favourite character from your own book(s) and why?
Rebecca Davis of The Legacy Trilogy. She is strong, sexy, and the leader of an army, not to mention she has the adoration of two incredibly gorgeous men. I could work with that. Seriously, though, I have invested so much into her character and her story inspired me to start writing, so she will always hold a special place in my heart.
Can you describe your writing style in 25 words or less?
Fast paced and action-packed, with little filler and something for everyone.
If you were to write an autobiography, what would its title be?
The Quarter Dozen – because it would no doubt feature my three children and our crazy life!
What are your current favourite books and authors?
Sadly, the past two years writing has been my top priority and I prefer not to read any fiction when I am working on a project of my own because it can influence your own writing style. I also tend to move from one to another without much down time in between, so I haven’t had much time for reading, although I’m always open to new suggestions.
Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
I’m somewhat of a master puzzle builder – it’s a gift!
Quick Questions:
E-book or print?
Favourite colour?
Favourite season?
Favourite holiday?
Coke or Pepsi?
Tea or coffee?
Dogs or cats?
[…] HERE to read the full review of The Legacy, together with an interview with Melissa Delport on The […]