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REVIEW: That Promise (That Kiss That Promise #2) by Kate Squires


All this tragedy has shown me over and over again is that life is precious. You should go after the things you truly want and not let anything stop you. I am yours, I’ve been yours for longer than either of us have ever admitted.

Can love really triumph above all? Find out in Kate Squires’s immensely enjoyable new novel, That Promise.

The highly anticipated sequel to That Kiss finds Chloe Shepherd, now a successful Broadway dancer, happily engaged to her longtime friend and lover, Matt Masen.

But the path to love is never easy, and Chloe and Matt soon find themselves fighting over everything from Matt’s desire to move to Los Angeles in order to pursue his dream job, to a Russian male dancer’s apparent obsession with Chloe.

Determined to save their relationship, the couple takes a trip to LA in an attempt to see if it’s really a place they could call home. It’s there that the fire between them is rekindled, and plans are soon underway to move the wedding forward.

Their troubles aren’t over yet, however, as Matt’s ex-girlfriend shows up with a bombshell secret—and Chloe’s naiveté lures her into a life-threatening situation.

My Thoughts

That Promise by Kate Squires begins just after That Kiss ended. All the main characters that I grew to love in That Kiss return in the second installment of this series. We are also introduced to a new male dancer character, Maxim, who seems to have the attention of every female dancer at the theater.

In true Matt and Chloe fashion, their relationship is anything by smooth sailing. Curve ball after curve ball gets thrown at them again in this book, from having to make a decision about moving to California to an obsessive co - worker. Matt and Chloe seem to be arguing constantly. Is their love strong enough to get them through?

Once again, Kate Squires writing entrapped me from the very beginning of the book. My connection to the characters was strong, but they were still vivid in my mind after reading That Kiss. One twist was predictable - but it was set up at the end of the first book. Another twist blew my mind! I figured there was something about the person involved, but had NO IDEA of exactly what was going to happen there.

If you have read That Kiss, you definitely need to read That Promise and continue Matt and Chloe's story. You won't be disappointed. I know I wasn't!

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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