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REVIEW: Shadow Hunt (Arash #1) by Elke Schuster


You may have met one without even noticing. You may have kissed one and been disappointed that he or she never called you. They may have been Arash.

Livia is the black sheep of her family, self-conscious and underachieving. That is, until she meets her new friends: the exuberant Natalie, her brother Rupert, the sculptor, intelligent librarian Will, stunning interior designer Ruth, and arrogant horse breeder Cassius. The group of mismatched friends makes Livia feel as if she may fit in somewhere for the first time in her life. Then she begins to suspect that her so-called friends are not who they claim to be. They hold a secret that could change Livia’s life forever.

Will her great love for one of them survive the challenges of becoming an immortal Arash? Will Livia herself manage to survive?

My Thoughts

Livia is the odd one out in her family. Her mother died when she was a baby and she never fully got along with her step-sister. Her boyfriend dumps her and she feels lost and alone. Until the day she meets Natalie.

Natalie has a very outgoing personality and the girls were instant friends. As the story unfolds we are introduced to Natalie's family, which includes Randolph, Augustus, Cassius, Rupert, Will and Ruth. All have individual personalities and are very self confident. Livia often wonders why they like her so much as they seem like complete opposites to her.

As the story progresses, Livia begins to wonder about her new group of friends. Something just doesn't add up with them. She begins to notice little things about them which have her questioning her own sanity at times. Later, she learns that her new friends are Arash. Immortal beings that are born on a day that a comet passes close to the earth.

The prologue of Arash is written in Livia's POV. She's in a mental institution, and you get the impression that she is crazy. That drew me in immediately. I wanted to find out if she was sane or not and who was 'coming to get her' in the spring.

From there, the book switches view points between Livia and her friends. I was a little overwhelmed by the POV changes, and it took me a little while to really settle into the flow of the story. Once I got settled in to the flow I was completely hooked!

I really enjoyed reading Arash, and I am eagerly waiting for the next instalment in the series. I can't wait to see what happens next.

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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