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REVIEW: Grace (Under Mr. Nolan's Bed #3) by Selena Kitt


“By Grace you have been saved…”

Childhood friends Leah and Erica have been sacrificial lambs at the altar of a scandalous corruption within the Catholic Church, violated by those who have, in their lust for power, turned the sacred profane.

The mystery of Leah’s disappearance results in a long-awaited reunion, but it is tainted by both their loss of innocence and a deep, unfathomable sorrow, which only leads to more secrets that have yet to be uncovered.

The revelations Erica and Father Michael have already exposed in their search to find the truth have only scratched the surface of the mystery they are about to unravel.

But will their discovery serve to save them and redeem the innocence they have lost, or will the sins of the fathers prove to be too powerful and destroy them all?

My Thoughts

I had a lot going on while I was reading Grace, mainly moving to a new house in a new town! With moving house and everything else going on around me, I didn't seem to enjoy Grace as much as the first two books in the trilogy.

Don't get me wrong, I still loved it,  but having my reading sessions constantly disrupted didn't help.

Grace changed between Leah and Erica's stories/point of views. Because of this, we got to see inside Erica's mind a lot more, which I really enjoyed. It was good to be able to understand Erica more deeply.

Of course Grace had  a couple of twists, and in the end everything works out for Leah and Mr. Nolan (Rob). I'm glad that we get to read about Erica's happy ending too.

Overall, I thought Grace was a great finale to the series!

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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