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REVIEW: Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1) by Jamie McGuire



Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants—and needs—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.

My Thoughts

AMAZING! If I had never stumbled across Maryse's Book Blog ( ) I probably would never have heard of this book. Especially since I have only just rekindled my love of reading. Maryse and her followers LOVE this book, and after reading it myself, I can honestly say that I have joined them on "TEAM TRAVIS".

The story is one hell of an emotional ride! I literally had GOOSEBUMPS as Travis and Abby's relationship developed! Then in the next chapter, I had TEARS literally running down my cheeks. LITERALLY! And there was more than one time that the tears flowed and the goosebumps rose on my skin.

“I didn’t say you’re a bad person. I just don’t like being a foregone conclusion for the sole reason of having a vagina.”I focused on the grains of salt on the table until I heard a choking noise from Travis’ direction. His eyes widened and he quivered with howling laughter. “Oh my God! You’re killing me! That’s it. We have to be friends. I won’t take no for an answer.”

Jamie McGuire writes flawlessly. It was very easy to get drawn into the world of Abby and Travis and feel their emotions along with them. I don't think there was a character in the book that I didn't connect with - not even Kara. 

If you haven't read this book yet, SERIOUSLY GO READ IT! NOW!

My Rating


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The Reading Cow

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My name is Kylie and I live in the state of Victoria, Australia.

I am a wife, mother of 3, lover of books and a Kindle 1-Click addict!


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